Sunday, March 27, 2016


In Sweden we celebrated yesterday, there for no post! But I hope you guys have/had an amazing easter with lots of chocolate, I know I have.. ahah!

The Sims 3 Legacy Challenge - Part 7

It was a nice Sunday morning and as Ayesha was eating her breakfast, her fiancé was in the shower. The plan was that as soon as Ayesha went to work, George were gonna leave to eat his breakfast at the local coffeeshop.

George arrived to "The Green Bean" and ordered a bagel, he had been craving a bagel for days now so he was happy to finally eat a bagel.
It was just as delicious as he thought it would be. Overall, it really was a cozy Sunday morning, he could get just to this!
The only thing was that he wished Ayesha could come with him, but he respected that she had work to do.
After eating his beloved bagel, George chit chatted with the locals, it seemed like they had a bookclub going on since every townie had a book in their hand and didn't really seemed to want to bed bothered..
At the same time as George was a having a wonderful afternoon, Ayesha didn't seem to feel as happy as George. Since she was working in the criminal career, her work was filled with risks and usually, Ayesha would get out of bad situations but not this time. The police caught her planning a small robbery, they took her in to the station to question her out a bit further.
George had no idea what was going on with Ayesha since the police took her phone so she couldn't text him the news, so George kept his wonderful day going by watching a movie.
When he was walking out of the movie, he ran into Tori, his best friend from work (who apparently is a vampire now, okay, thanks for the info) and they started talking. Since George would be home alone a couple of hours, he asked if Tori wanted to come with him home to hang out, but Tori turned him down by saying that she was tired and needed to have a good night of sleep before work tomorrow (she's probably gonna stay up all night drinking blood).
But being alone didn't hurt George's happiness, he had a dance part all alone!
It was very late when Ayesha was released from the police due their wasn't enough evidence to take her to jail.
It was a horrible day for Ayesha, being brought to jail wasn't exactly how she wanted to spend her Sunday. She was incredibly ashamed of even being in jail, she told George what happened to her. And him being the great husband he is, he asked her how she felt, but she was toooo much in a bad mood to answer him that.

George saw the look in Ayesha's face and asked her if there was anything he could do, but there wasn't. Ayesha was so ashamed that she now decided that it was time to start a new career.
She went to bed as soon as possible, she just wanted this day to end.
While George watched some TV, it was still an early night but since there was work tomorrow, he was gonna stay in.
He ate some leftovers from yesterday to finish of his evening, after this it was bedtime.

And that was it for this part!! I hope you liked it, if you have any questions or post proposal, don't forget to comment them down below! Or tweet me on twitter: @Ohsnapitzyou
Until next time, I hope you'll have a great time! Remember that you are loved and wanted <3

Thursday, March 24, 2016



I guess no one has missed out on what happened in Belgium the other day. It's such a scary world we live in, and it is just getting scarier. It's horrible to read the news now a days about Sweden and other places around the world. I feel like our planet is just getting less safer.

It is when things like this happens that you realize that life is so incredibly short, do what you love and do a lot of it. Because before you know it, everything could change. If you love someone, make sure to tell them, if you are arguing with someone, forgive them. Because before you know it, you might regret not telling them or forgiving them.

I hope every single one of you guys are okay. Who ever is reading this, please be careful and know that you are loved. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

In The Sims What's Your Favorite ..

.. Music? The Sims 2 music all day everyday, it's just so beautiful haha! It brings back SO much memories.

.. Town? Bridgeport! I love big cities :)

.. Sim you've ever created? To be honest, I'm one of those simmers who never remembers sims I've made. I mean if I play off cam, then I end up always forgetting later which sims I've created. I mean, of course I have some legendary sims but there has never been one special sim I've created that I absolutely love. But I do have some sims that I'll always remember but I haven't created them myself, then it's often a sim's child (which mother or father I've created) that just get very rebellious. Those kind of sims are so fun to play and it's hard to forget them.

.. Challenge you've ever played? I've never really done challenges until now, so I have to say The Legacy Challenge.

.. Cheat? Idk if this counts as a cheat but pressing "alt" while placing down furnitures have been a DUCKING LIFESAVER FOR ME. btw guys, soon I'll post about my favorite cheats, so stay tuned!!!

.. Pre-created sim/family? I HAVE SO MANY!! But of course I love all the "celeb sims" in The Sims history, The Goth family, Caliente and Lothario because I'm basic like that ahah!

well that's it for now everybody, hope you enjoyed this post! I'm currently sick AGAIN, I feel like shit. I have the worst cold of all time. But I'm gonna prepare some posts for you guys and maybe play The Sims 3 Legacy Challenge if I'm feeling good enough later. But get exited because it's easter and I'm going on break tomorrow (possible already on break since I might stay home tomorrow toooo) and now I'll all the time in the world to prepare posts. Get exited because there's a lot coming your way! 

I love you all and I'm so thankful that you took your time to read my blog, I hope I'll see you some other time. Don't forget to comment or tweet me if you have any questions, my twitter is: @Ohsnapitzyou 
Until next time, I hope you'll have a great time and I'll see you soon.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


This Saturday morning Ayesha woke up early, with lots of energy. She decided that since she didn't start work until a couple of hours, she would go to the gym for a nice workout.
While Ayesha was having a productive Saturday morning (yes she works on a Saturday) George wasn't having the same type of morning.. He's really loving their TV and spend every time possible in the living room now.
But he couldn't be lazy ALL day, at some point he had to get ready so that's what he did. He ate some leftovers from yesterdays dinner and then he was off to sell some fishes at the local store.
The cashier told him that if anyone would buy what he wanted to sell, she would inform him. 
He decided to stay a while at the store to work up his charisma even though they now had a mirror at home.
It was about 2 hours left until Ayesha got off work when George texted her to meet up with her at the beach for a formal date at around 18:00. She smile when she saw his text and replied back that she couldn't wait to see him.
Even though there were a couple of hours until their big date, George wanted to make everything PERFECT. He stopped by at the grocery store to buy some red roses to Ayesha on his way to the beach.
He cooked some hot dogs, might not be that fancy of a meal but that's not what the date is about.
He also made some drinks the same time as his lady was on her way to the beach.
She went to the beach, at the spot he had told her to go to, but she didn't see George any where, had he stood her up?
But that's not something George would do, her surprised her from the back
and went down on one knee, asking her if she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.

Ayesha accepted his proposal and they were now engaged <3

Annnddd that's it for this part!! Super exiting that they are now engaged!! Check back tomorrow for POSSIBLE a new part of my The Sims 3 Legacy Challenge. I love you all so much for reading my blog, thank you so much. If you have any questions or blog post ideas, feel free to comment down below or hit me up on my Twitter where I update you guys about mah bloggy: @Ohsnapitzyou

Until next time, I hope you'll have a great time!

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Y'all know what George loves to do, yep, go fishing, so that was exactly what he did after work this day. 
He visited a little lake which scenery really caught his eyes. It was a extremely beautiful place that he definitely wanted to visit again. It was a pretty quiet place that was perfect for a day after work.
George even befriended the animals at the lake, he got himself a little buddy.

When the day slowly turned into a night Mortimer Goth of all people started talking to George. But they didn't seem to have much in common at all so George called it a night and went home to go to bed.

George following day was the same as the previous but when he got home, he decided to call Ayesha and ask her out on a date since he missed her. She accepted his request and they decided to meet up for a cup of coffee.
But they didn't really drink coffee at their date. They talked for a long time until the talking turned into flirting..
But at the end of the night, things got serious and they had a long heart to heart talk about where their relationship where going. Both of them felt like they were ready for the next step.
They decided something super exiting, they are gonna live together!!
They decided to move in together right away!
Ayesha brought 6K to their household to fix the house with. 
It now finally looks more like a home, here's an overview over the house:
The Kitchen
The living room
The bathroom
The bedroom
The first thing George did in their "new" home was to watch some TV, he had never had a TV in this house earlier, and boy what he have missed out on much!
Ayesha cooked some dinner in the new kitchen while George was watching the TV (typical)
They enjoyed eating together in their home. Both George and Ayesha were super happy right now

                                         Even if George doesn't look very happy.. Haha

And that's it for this part! Thanks so much for checking out my blog, I hope I'll see you here some other time. I think another part of my THE SIMS 3 LEGACY CHALLENGE will be up tomorrow. Follow me on twitter for updates about my blog: @Ohsnapitzyou
Until next time, I hope you'll have a great time.