Saturday, March 12, 2016


It was a beautiful Saturday and George woke up to the sound of his phone ringing, it was his friend from work asking if he wanted to come over. Even though George hadn't gotten much sleep at all, he was happy to do something. He said that he would be happy to come over.
But something that shocked George was that Ayesha lived in the same house! But that didn't ruin George's day at all, he was happy to se Ayesha and all three of them had a great afternoon.
But George couldn't stay there forever, after a couple of hours he went home to take care of his plants. He couldn't stop thinking of Ayesha, he decided to text her that he was happy to see her this afternoon.
You guys know how it goes, George can not go a day without fishing!!

George slept in the following Sunday which he really needed. He had a slow morning in general but he enjoyed it. It was nice for him to not having to rush eating on his toilet.
But he couldn't be lazy all day! Hell no. Since one of the most important things for George right now is to build his house, he has to focus on getting money. Working and selling fish really helped him earn money but today George wanted to try a new way to earn money.
He went to the store to sell fishes he has gotten. But this way is a bit different from selling to the grocery store, George may sell his fish for a lot more or no one will buy his stuff at all and then he will get back his money.
This Sunday was really all about earning money for George, as soon as he got home, he got a call from his boss asking if he could help her out a bit and come and help her with some paperworks at the office. And George who was happy to get some extra cash took the nearest cab to work.

                                                    The house is slowly looking better
But now, George was tired of earning money he wanted to spend the money a bit so he went to the bar to have some fun, to dance and drink drinks!
He really had a fun night with fun people but he wasn't to happy about this decision the next morning when he woke up to go to work..

Ugh, a tiring day for George, he really needed that drink on the toilet.

                                                   And to have a calm night, fishing.

George woke up really early to have a productive morning, he took a cab to the store once again to sell some fish.
But there was no cashier there.. And since George was waiting he saw an opportunity to practice his charisma a bit since that's a big part of work. He worked his charisma until he had to go to work.

And that is it for this part! Make sure to comment if you have any questions and don't forget to follow me on twitter for updates about my blog: @Ohsnapitzyou

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