Saturday, March 5, 2016


It was just another morning for Lisa and Michelle (Michelle, who apparently turned into a child as soon as we got back from the bakery last night), both of them were eating breakfast while Damien were sleeping.

Lisa and Michelle's relationship wasn't as good as Michelle's and Damiens, Lisa had problems with accepting that Michelle wasn't here child, even though she and Damien are raising Michelle together, ever since they got home from the hospital with little baby Mich, Lisa have never really loved Michelle. And Michelle isn't really helping to improve their relationship, she is always teasing Lisa which drives Lisa insane when she's trying to befriend Michelle, for Damien's sake. Lisa asked Michelle if she wanted to come to the bakery with her and Michelle, who didn't have anything else planned for the day decided that she would come with Lisa.
Before Lisa went to the bakery, she decided to clean up and fix the house.
Before Lisa opened up the bakery she took care of this weeks order of groceries for the bakery and also restored what had been bought the day before. Michelle didn't think it was very funny to help Lisa but she really enjoyed befriending the customers.
Lisa had a busy day at the bakery but that's how she likes it!
After a while, Michelle got bored and took a walk around the neighborhood and discovered a playground that wasn't too far from the bakery, since Lisa didn't want Michelle to go too far from the bakery.
Lisa got really tired of her staff, a girl named Camilla worked for Lisa but she didn't do a good job. Even though Lisa had told her what she could help her with, Camilla didn't listen and mostly talked with the customers (not helping them) which really pissed Lisa off. Since Lisa's Bakery doesn't really make a lot of money (the bakery costs more than it makes) and paying Camilla's salary didn't really help the bakery AT ALL. So she decided to fire Camilla.

She felt really mean to be doing that, but she did what she had to do..

The rest of the day she spent a long time to talk to her customers, that's one of her favorite things about working at the bakery (except baking) to be able to interact with people all day long, she is such a people-person.
Here we have a very anxious lady who desperately hopes somebody wants to buy her bread
At the end of the day, people buy much from Lisa but it's still not enough (you see that girl aging up in the background lol) since her breads doesn't cost very much and she can't make the price higher because then nobody would buy it, so Lisa is desperate to find a solution since she can't make a living out of her bakery because it costs more than she makes!
The bakery ended selling everything so Lisa ran up to make some cookies to sell while the bakery still was open.
People seem to really love what the bakery has to offer!
When it was turning into nighttime, Lisa wasn't feeling very good, she was really hungry and tired, since she doesn't have anyone hired, she has to take care of the bakery alone which gives her no time for lunch or a nap, and it's very stressful for Lisa so she called Damien as soon as he got home from work and asked if he could help her, and he was happy to help her.
Damien found it entertaining to work at the bakery when Lisa were eating.
But since it was kind off late, as soon as Lisa had gotten some food into her system, they closed the bakery and went home.
This morning, Lisa went to work for the first time in a long while, she helped a lot of sims which made her very happy.
After a long day of a lot of diseases Lisa came home to eat some dinner when her former colleague, Maria called Lisa and asked if she wanted to hang out. Of course Lisa said yes, she loved her friend, Maria and hated when she switched to another hospital. Lisa and Maria ate some ice cream and chatted for a long time when Lisa got a text from girl named Jade, she asked if Lisa was up to coming to her place. Lisa asked Maria if she wanted to go but Maria replied with that she should probably go home so since Lisa didn't want the night to end just yet, so she took a cab to Jade's place.
Lisa and Jade had a great time, were they putted on music and danced. Lisa was really happy with how her night turned out to be, but it wasn't over just yet! She went home and packed her bags, and so did Michelle and Damien because they would spend their weekend (Thursday-Sunday, taking the day off on Thursday) at the bakery.  

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